Monday, April 9, 2012

A Letter to Bada :P

binge drinking

transmitted diseases

alcohol poisoning

Dear Bada
Hi Bada, this is your mom. :D
You are 10 years old right now and I love watching you grow in such an adorable manner.
And I thought, I should write a letter to you about how dangerous stuff like smoking and drinking can turn you into a totally different person.
When you become a certain age, you must have an awareness of how to control yourself over the dosage of, or the amount of using alcohol and tobacco. You are the one who's going to be in charge of restriction and regulation so that you know when to stop, because it's not like I'm going to be restricting or regulating you all the time even when you are fully grown up. For example, if you overdose alcohol, you will be intoxicated, which basically means you will lose control of your behavior and numerous negative consequences will follow, like hangover which gives you a very severe headache. You also don't want to be drunk driving and cause serious problems, do you? As you can see, this will not only harm you, but also harm other people around you. I want you to be a person who acts as a role model to others and be beneficial, not the one who influences others in a harmful manner. Do you understand? :)
And there is one more thing I warn you to stay away from. It's the drugs. Once you get addiction over drugs, it will be really hard to rehabilitate and get back to a normal life and you will be eventually losing tolerance. Some drugs are very stimulant that raise levels of nervous activity in the body, such as heroine, so they can be very dangerous. Also, some drugs are hallucinogens that cause hallucinations, like LSD. You might think drugs give you ecstasy, like an overwhelming excitement, but it's only for that very short period of time. As most of the drugs are depressant, they actually make you to be more depressed afterwards, so it brings a negative effect.
So Bada, please always have what I just said in your mind and behave well as you live your own life.
I love you!!

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