Monday, January 30, 2012


a. Reflect on the activity results that you just completed. How did your own stress levels related to the hierarchical position match up with what the video said? Do you agree that your position in a hierarchy has an inverse relationship to stress levels?
My hierarchy groups
1. Family member
3. Friends
4. Cross Country team
5. Extended family (mom's side)

Lowest: ISKL as a student
Highest: Extended family (mom's side) as an oldest child

I feel more stressed as a student in ISKL (lowest), so I agree with what the video said. I have more things required to do commanded by higher statuses (teachers) with tests and everything, so I feel more stressed. But it's not like I'm not stressed at all in the extended family group where I have the highest status, because I feel the responsibility and to take care of younger cousins. For example, I bought each one of them a Christmas present with my own money and caused a bit of stress in terms of choice.

b. Use the following terms in an analysis/reflection. Go any direction you want with it. a. Decision making, self esteem, wellness
 I learned how decision making must be done by myself so that I am the responsible one for it, and thus I will get higher self esteem since I know what I am doing and it is likely that I am doing what I want to do or what I think is important to do. In addition, it can be said that one's wellness is determined by the efficiency of own decision making. Therefore it is important to pursue my own decision making in order to have a higher self esteem and better wellness.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1.Select one goal to work toward.
2.List what you will do to reach this goal.
3.Identify others who can help you and support your efforts.
4.Give yourself a specific period of time to reach your goal.
5.Build in checkpoints to evaluate how you are doing.
6.Give yourself a reward once you’ve achieved the goal.

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is:
GPA: Above 4.1

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving.


3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area?

I will be more relaxed for my future and have more balanced life, knowing how to control it.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?

Tendency to sleep instead of studying
Tendency to reactivate Facebook
Tendency to leave the work until the last minute

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:

In what way will they help you?

They will answer to all of my questions and make sure I understand everything to achieve a better grade.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)
a. Not leaving the homework until the last minute
b. Doing reviews every day
c. Not reactivating Facebook

7. How will you record of your progress?
I will check my grades and be aware of how well I understand each class's materials

8. Date you will start / have started:

9. Date you are going to complete:
June 5

10. Reward for completion (should be appropriate):
Shopping with the money I will have saved

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Self Esteem Self Assessment

  • Is the source a good source of information?
It is a good source of information. I think it's the most accurate self esteem assessment that I have done. 
  • How accurate do you think the results are?
I think it was quite accurate and described me pretty well.  
  • In what circumstances might results be invalid?
The results might be invalid in a sense that one's mood of the day can affect the attitude toward the test and thus the result.
  • Are these types of online sites good to have available? Why/Why not?
Yes, because it can actually inform individuals about their self esteems and they will actually try to improve their self esteem or have a somewhat different perception toward their life after doing the test and analyzing the result. 

Interviewing a Healthy Person

What is his/her relationship to you?
My mom
1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
No, not really. I've started to try to be healthy after I gave birth to Davin. When I was young, I did not know the significance of being healthy, and I suddenly gained too much weight and had frequent headache after I gave birth to her, so I started to exercise to keep my health.
2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits:
I make sure I eat three meals a day at an appropriate time, and I rarely eat junk food. I like to eat fruits.

Fitness Habits:
I go to the gym and work out three days a week, one hour per each day, and I play golf once a week in the field. I go to driving range two times a week. I also like to go jogging occasionally. 

Coping with Stress:
I try to relax and go exercise. 

Dealing with Conflicts:
I first believe for sure that it will be solved well and I overcome them one by one from the easiest one.

Keeping a Positive Attitude:
I am always positive, and I smile a lot. I am always grateful that people surrounding me are all really nice.

Any Additional Healthy Habits:
As I am more aged now, I'm eating supplementary vitamins to keep my health. I also drink water a lot, and eat red ginseng often. 
3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
I don't know specifically. I think it came from me loving myself and trying to look at the "better side" of all the things.
4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
My healthy two daughters and my husband who always loves me. 
5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interview to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).
Question: What do you think is the most important habit to have for a good health?


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How Healthy am I?

Physical: 9
I exercise regularly to keep myself fit and Cross Country in the first semester helped me to establish a habit of jogging or just doing any exercise to make sure I'm in a physically healthy state.

Intellectual: 7
I read quite a lot these days before I go to sleep. I also TRY to study more than the school work. But I think I need to do much more.

Occupational: 7
As a student, I'm trying to study hard and get good grades but it has only been three days of school in the  so I didn't have that much work to score my academic state. And my GPA last semester was not satisfactory, so I'll give myself 7. Also I think I need to spend more time in APUS.

Emotional: 10
I'm always positive and try to think of a better side of the situation. So I'm always happy!

Spiritual: 10
I don't have any religion that I specifically believe in because I don't really know about the existence of god. But I still think my spiritual score is 10 because my own belief itself is strong and I'm spirited in that way! :D

Social: 10
I always try to approach to new people and be social with everyone. Also I'm in a good state with my best friends both in Malaysia and Korea.