Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1.Select one goal to work toward.
2.List what you will do to reach this goal.
3.Identify others who can help you and support your efforts.
4.Give yourself a specific period of time to reach your goal.
5.Build in checkpoints to evaluate how you are doing.
6.Give yourself a reward once you’ve achieved the goal.

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is:
GPA: Above 4.1

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving.


3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area?

I will be more relaxed for my future and have more balanced life, knowing how to control it.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?

Tendency to sleep instead of studying
Tendency to reactivate Facebook
Tendency to leave the work until the last minute

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:

In what way will they help you?

They will answer to all of my questions and make sure I understand everything to achieve a better grade.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)
a. Not leaving the homework until the last minute
b. Doing reviews every day
c. Not reactivating Facebook

7. How will you record of your progress?
I will check my grades and be aware of how well I understand each class's materials

8. Date you will start / have started:

9. Date you are going to complete:
June 5

10. Reward for completion (should be appropriate):
Shopping with the money I will have saved

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